With the MacArthur swing bridge being washed out earlier this year we will most likely use an alternate route for all the St James events MTB courses - Pony Express, Epic and their corresponding alpine adventure & mountainman multi-sport stages. All mtb stages will now go down the Stanley gorge and out over the racecourse to Charlies Saddle - as all the ultra runs do. However we will assess the Waiau and if it is deemed low enough to ford safely then we may be able to remain on the original course and cross just below the swingbridge site. Unfortunately the loss of the swingbridge does mean that we no longer have any viable alternative if the rivers are to high or indeed in flood. Click herehttps://stjamesmountainsports.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/2022_SJM_XCM_Alt-1.pdf to download the map - note the Epic follows the full Pony Express route with the additional yellow extension.