Hi all, we’re very happy to announce our mates at Rack And Roof have come on board as our newest sponsor and have provided us with a fantastic early bird entry prize! Simply get your completed early bird entry in before 1st of Aug and you’re automatically in the draw to win a Yakima Highroad bike rack system (https://www.rackandroof.co.nz/product/yakima-highroad/) that fits most vehicle roof racks (not included).
All other early bird entries will receive a 15% discount code to use at Rack and Roof – https://rackandroof.co.nz/
Prize drawn on 1st of Aug and the winner will notified by email and via our Facebook page – note you must be at the race on Sat 16th Jan to claim your prize or it will be redrawn at prize giving.
The prize will also be redrawn if your entry is cancelled or transferred for any reason.
Total prize value $408.00 – prize is not redeemable for cash.
To be eligible your entry must be completed and confirmed by the allocation of a race number on the website before the prize draw.